Friday, December 12, 2008

My Personality

From the Jung Typology Test my results were 22 percent extraverted, 50 percent intuitive and feeling and 11 percent judging. I agree with the intuitive, feeling, and judging results but I dont agree as much with the extraverted results. Although I am very quiet at times I believed that I would have had a slightly higher percent because in certain situations I can be more talkative and open. I agree with the jobs that would fit my results, such as careers in the science field and psychology, because these are the subjects that I enjoy most.

For the Personality Test I received a high score in the area of agreeableness and conscientiousness, which I agree with because I do work hard and I am a generally good-natured person. I received pretty high scores in the area of extraversion and openness to experience. I do not agree as much with the extraversion because I do not do many risky activities, but I do agree with the openness to experience because I am open to new experiences.

For my EQ test, my results were that I have very high emotional intelligence and it states that I will be successful and have a drive for high performance in life. I agree with the part of the test that says that I need to take more time out to reflect on what is important in life because I dont get to do that often.

For the attraction test, I found the qualities presented less attractive than the average person. For every category except for guys who look intelligent, my number was lower than the average number. I do not completely agree with this because the pictures were misleading and I care more about the different qualities than was represented.

For my last personality test, I took the emotional profile test. My scores were above average for positive affect, negative affect, joviality, shyness, fatigue, serenity, and surprise. I agree with them all except for negative affect. I believe that all of the rest characterize me quite well. i received below average scores for fear, hostility, guilt, sadness, self-assuredness, and attentiveness. I agree with all of these except for self-assuredness and attentiveness. I believe that I am sure of myself most of the time and I am a very attentive person.


Amanda E. said...

I agree with your results on the personality test. You ARE a nice, hard-working girl :)

Jay D. said...

I also don't agree with the jung typology test. Its not very valid.

Lorenza L. ♥ said...

the test sounds compatible since you like the study of psych and you understand people :D

Joshua L. said...

these tests are really sketchy. ur results were intersting tho.